Mid Argyll Camera Club

About MACC

proud_parents The Mid Argyll Camera Club is a friendly club of people interested in all aspects of photography. We cover 25 miles north and south of Lochgilphead in Argyll & Bute, Scotland. We welcome visitors and beginners to photography.

We mainly enjoy digital photography - using cameras, phones & tablets, computers and inkjet printers. We are mostly amateur photographers, some very experienced and others just starting. Members range from school age to long retired, 50% male and female.

Meetings are normally held on Wednesdays, between September and March, at 7.30pm to 9.30pm in Lochgilphead - see location. If you are not sure about joining, come to a few meetings to see what it's like, or contact us with our web form below.

You can see our current programme of events, and the previous year's events . We also have outdoor and online meetings - members are contacted directly about plans on Facebook and by email or phone.

Most events aim to include and help beginners. We have talks, photo shows, demonstrations, hands-on practical workshops (with cameras or with laptops), activities with other groups, projects and competitions.

Prints by members are on show at the Mid Argyll Camera Club's exhibition & sale in The Gather, Campbeltown Road, Tarbert, on October 1st - 29th (9am - 5pm, except Wed & Thu)

dayeventspeaker, judge or organiserwhat to bring if you can
1-29 Oct
Camera Club Exhibition
at The Gather, Campbeltown Road, TARBERT
9am - 5pm , closed Wed & Thu
Ian & Verina,
hosted by Corrin Green

exhibition open for most of October 2023

2 Oct Welcome and Syllabus, competitions, finance, website
the committee
What I Did This Summermembers5 photos taken since March

9 Oct
Shooting the Aurora a practical guide for photographing this year’s peak aurora activity

Robert Laingmaybe outdoors afterwards - bring camera & tripod

16 Oct Camera Settings and skills Part 1
Your camera controls and when and why to change them

Verina, Gordon & Malcolm
Practical session after the breakmembersbring cameras

23 Oct
Camera Settings & Skills Pt 2
Presentation & discussion on members Challenge submissions
Verina, Gordon & Malcolmbring entries for 1st competition
(including special subject Movie Titles )

an_autumn_cycleAbout 2/3 of members (some as beginners) often enter digital images or prints in club competitions. Some of the competitions need photos of particular subjects, eg Animals, Arches, Still life and Reflections. See the winning images in our most recent competition.

low-tide There is usually a social evening before Christmas, and an informal prize giving meal in the Spring. There are also occasional summer outings, sometimes at short notice as an opportunity arises.

Facebook users can see MACC on Facebook and members can join our private MACC group.

Some club equipment is available for loan to members, eg an A4/slide/negative flat scanner, a computer screen profiler and a 35mm slide projector.

moon & aurora over jura MACC is affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain  (PAGB) and to the Federation International de L'Art Photographique (FIAP) through the Scottish Photographic Federation (SPF), and the club takes part in their activities. Individual members also submit prints and digital images to competitions and exhibitions run by other organisations under the patronage of British Photographic Exhibition (BPE) and the FIAP, and some seek their awards and distinctions.

If you would like to contact or join the club, click here to show the contact form      

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